How to Use Hemp Oil for Scalp Psoriasis

You’ve used hemp oil for everything from a makeup remover to a moisturizer. You even take it daily as a supplement. So when looking into issues with scalp psoriasis you may want to know how hemp oil can help. You might ask: what are the uses of hemp oil for scalp psoriasis?

Hemp oil can be used for scalp psoriasis to moisturize the scalp and reduce the itch. Hemp oil protects the lipid layer of your scalp and slows down cell growth, which calms flare-ups. 

Other benefits of hemp oil include eliminating bacteria and providing the scalp with vital nutrients. The nutrients in hemp oil include vitamin E and omega fatty acids that help strengthen the scalp. 

The vitamin E in hemp oil locks in moisture and reduces dryness. Hemp oil promotes both hair growth and scalp health. A moisturized scalp helps your hair grow. Since the scalp is the foundation of healthy hair, caring for flare-ups is important. 

Keep reading to find out what scalp psoriasis is and how to know if you have it. If you have psoriasis, this article covers what triggers psoriasis and how hemp oil helps with flare-ups.  

After all, hemp oil can help because it’s beneficial for all hair, nail, and skin issues. The benefit of hemp oil is that it helps everything from growing hair to reducing skin conditions. 

Use hemp oil topically and internally to calm your scalp psoriasis flare-up. So you can look and feel your best underneath a beautiful head of hair. 

What is Scalp Psoriasis?

Scalp psoriasis is a condition that causes raised red patches or “plaques” on the skin. Psoriasis occurs when skin forms new cells on the scalp in only a matter of days. When new cells form fast, it’s hard to shed excess skin. The rapid growth of cells that haven’t been shed begins to form scaly patches.

Plaque psoriasis is set off by the immune system. Your system sends messages to the skin that makes it multiply too quickly causing scaly marks. Therefore, treating psoriasis is also about strengthening the immune system.

If you have plaque psoriasis anywhere on your skin it’s possible it will appear on your scalp as well. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), half of the people with plaque psoriasis will have a flare-up on the scalp. 

Scalp psoriasis can be mild and only form on small patches. Mild forms of psoriasis can resemble dandruff. 

Severe scalp psoriasis will spread throughout the scalp and won’t resemble dandruff. In severe cases, you will see scars around the hairline or on the neck. 

Psoriasis of the scalp is different from other forms of psoriasis because it’s hidden by hair. Hair loss is possible if you are not careful about how you treat your scalp. To treat scalp psoriasis you may have to treat your hair as well. 

Many treatments come in the form of shampoos, which can often be drying. A treatment like hemp oil can be helpful because it moisturizes the scalp and your hair as well. 

What Causes Scalp Psoriasis?

The cause of scalp psoriasis and plaque psoriasis is unknown. However, psoriasis studies have shown genetics may play a role. Since the direct cause is unknown, treatment is based on what causes a psoriasis flare-up.

How to Treat Scalp Psoriasis

To treat scalp psoriasis, you’ll need to stop flare-ups at the source. Scalp psoriasis can be treated similarly to other autoimmune conditions and general plaque psoriasis. Topical oils, shampoos, and medications can be placed on the hair and scalp to help soothe the affected area. 

Because psoriasis is an autoimmune disease it has similar treatment options as other skin conditions like eczema. However, not all treatment options are topical. 

You can talk to your doctor about being prescribed medications or steroids. Keep in mind treatment for scalp psoriasis will differ from other skin conditions because of its location under the hair.

It’s important to note that scalp psoriasis is not always in patches, it can affect your entire scalp. But, everyone is different. Your way of tackling the disease will be different than the next person. One thing that is for sure is that hemp oil can help. 

You can use hemp oil to treat scalp psoriasis by ingesting it or applying it topically. If you use medicated shampoo or prescription drugs think about adding hemp oil into your routine. 

Ways to use hemp oil to treat scalp psoriasis:

  • Hot oil treatment
  • Add to your shampoo or conditioner
  • Use as a moisturizer throughout the day
  • Massage into scalp daily
  • Ingest it 

The wonderful thing about hemp oil is, it’s not medicated so anyone can use it on any skin condition. Use hemp oil to treat your scalp, whether you know if you have scalp psoriasis or not. 

How Do You Know if You Have Scalp Psoriasis?

A person will know if they have scalp psoriasis if they have been diagnosed by a doctor. Signs of scalp psoriasis will show after a flare-up. Look for symptoms such as itching and red patches on your scalp. 

Speak to your doctor to know for sure if you have scalp psoriasis. A doctor will go over your symptoms and run tests to narrow down the diagnosis. Other skin conditions and rashes can resemble psoriasis.

A person with psoriasis could have symptoms that resemble everything from dandruff to a rash. 

Symptoms of scalp psoriasis include: 

  • Dry flaky skin
  • Red patches, bumps, or plaques
  • Itchy skin

Symptoms will usually occur after something “triggers” the scalp and cause a flare-up. A rash from psoriasis can spread and become itchy and painful. You may see scales on the back of the neck, ears, or forehead. 

What Causes Scalp Psoriasis to Flare Up?

Irritations to the scalp can cause scalp psoriasis to flare-up. Triggers can happen externally and internally with injury to the skin or stress. Each trigger will vary per person. 

The National Psoriasis Foundation lists triggers. Some common scalp psoriasis triggers are:

  • Scratches or burns to the skin 
  • Stress
  • Infection, strep throat
  • Medications
  • Illness 
  • Weather

Psoriasis is still being studied and the cause is unknown. Therefore, other triggers, such as food allergies and diet that cause flare-ups haven’t been verified. The best thing to do is to identify your triggers and avoid them as much as possible. 

Following a skincare and diet plan will help with flare-ups. When you find something soothing like hemp oil for your skin make note of how it works for you.  

How Does Hemp Oil Help with Scalp Psoriasis?

Hemp oil helps with scalp psoriasis by boosting your immune system. The omega fatty acids in hemp oil are anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive. As a result, hemp oil can stop the immune response of scalp psoriasis, slowing down the thickening and scarring of the scalp.

Hemp oil is a unique treatment because it can be used directly on the skin or as a supplement. Placing the oil on the skin will allow the omega fatty acids to moisturize and fill cracks and scratches. As a supplement, the anti-inflammatory fatty acids work on the inside strengthening the immune system. 

Since it’s all about boosting your immune system, inside and out, you can also use hemp oil with other ingredients. For example, apple cider vinegar works with hemp oil in an immune-boosting energy shot.



Hemp oil nutrients help maintain the hair and scalp naturally. Vitamin E helps hair grow and moisturizes the scalp. While Vitamins D and A, in hemp oil, help slow skin cell growth. These vitamins take care of day to day hair maintenance while protecting the scalp from any skincare issues. 

Massaging hemp oil into your scalp daily helps with circulation. The circulation works to reduce psoriasis flare-up. A massage also helps loosen the skin on your scalp and regulates rapid skin cell growth. 

A gentle daily massage helps you continue to grow hair. Remember not to be too rough on your sensitive scalp or you could cause unnecessary hair loss.  

How Can Hemp Oil Calm a Flare-Up?

Hemp oil can calm a flare-up by boosting your immune system and soothing the affected area. The vitamin E in hemp oil moisturizes and soothes the itch. Skin that is less irritated is able to heal faster.

When you massage hemp oil into your scalp you’re also clearing away dead skin. The newly exposed skin is treated and cleansed with hemp oil’s antifungal and antibacterial properties. This helps decrease the likelihood of getting an infection on the skin that has already flared. 

Hemp oil can also help with larger flare-ups if you use it as a supplement. When you ingest hemp seed oil omega fatty acids help boost your immune system. A strong immune system slows your chance of getting flare-ups in the future.

How Can Hemp Oil Boost Your Immune System to Fight Psoriasis?

Hemp oil can boost the immune system to fight psoriasis through omega-3 fatty acids. The healthy fats found in hemp seed oil reduce inflammation and promote a healthy immune response. Hemp oil reduces inflammation by stopping the build-up of skin cells. 

The build-up of cells is what causes the flares in psoriasis. So if you can stop the build-up of cells, you stop flare-ups from occurring. Taking hemp oil then becomes a preventative measure for future flare-ups.

Information about psoriasis and hemp oil is new. Most studies done have included CBD products or marijuana. One study found cannabis to be useful for boosting the immune system, but it did not cover hemp oil alone. 

What we do know is that hemp oil is anti-inflammatory and can manage pain. When it comes to inflammatory skin conditions the perfect ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids play a big role in boosting your immune system and fighting psoriasis. 

How to Use Hemp Oil for Scalp Psoriasis

To use hemp oil for scalp psoriasis, ingest it or rub it directly on the affected area. One option is to take a spoonful of hemp oil each day as a supplement. Ingesting hemp oil boosts the immune system, stopping flare-ups from occurring in the first place. Another option is to gently massage hemp oil into your scalp to increase circulation and remove dead skin. 

Rubbing hemp seed oil on scalp psoriasis will reduce dryness and help heal scars. It’s important to take the time to massage hemp seed oil in a circular motion on your scalp. You can do this after you wash your hair or anytime you feel dryness. Take time to massage the oil into your scalp because it promotes circulation. 

To ingest hemp seed oil, try drizzling on salads, using it as a dip, or blending it into smoothies. You can get even more creative by trying some new recipes.



If you are unsure how to use hemp oil, try both internally and topically. Applying it topically usually works best if you have a flare-up on a centralized area like the scalp. However, if you have psoriasis in patches all over your body you should consider taking hemp oil as a supplement.

Hemp oil is easy to use and you can get creative. The best way to use hemp oil is the most simple way for you. 

Summary: Hemp Seed Oil for Psoriasis

Hemp oil has benefits for hair, skin, and nails. The long list of nutrients and vitamins help with normal hair growth and moisturized skin. When you have a condition like scalp psoriasis hemp oil helps even more. 

Hemp seed oil helps with scalp psoriasis by slowing rapid skin cell growth and boosting your immune system. Hemp oil also moisturizes and gives you a strong scalp that can fight back when psoriasis flares. 

Since no one knows exactly what causes psoriasis it’s best to find out what your triggers are. Then use hemp oil as a treatment to reduce those flares from coming back in the future. 

Choose to use hemp seed oil topically to help with dryness and increase circulation. To help with your immune system try taking hemp oil internally. You can take hemp oil by the spoonful or try it in recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

No matter how you choose to use hemp oil for scalp psoriasis it will help calm your flare-up. Try hemp oil today to begin moisturizing your scalp and boosting your immune system.