What Is Hemp?
Hemp is from the family Cannabaceae, the same family as hops.
Specifically, hemp is part of the Genus Cannabis L. Industrial hemp is genetically different than marijuana. In order to be defined as hemp, it must contain less than 0.3% THC and will not cause a psychoactive effect. Hemp and marijuana’s genetic differences are witnessed in the plants’ chemical composition, appearances, and cultivation.
Simply put, hemp is high CBD, low THC. Hemp crops are cultivated outdoors in multi-acre farm plots in varying climates with little to no care. Marijuana opposite, typically containing low CBD, high THC levels, and needs a lot of attention in order to grow. Hemp looks skinny and tall (up to 20 feet), and marijuana is short and fat.
Industrial hemp is grown as an agricultural crop known for its rich nutritional value as well as 25,500+ uses.

Whoever said laughter was the best medicine has clearly not eaten hemp.

The History of Hemp
Hemp was an essential crop used for new immigrants for both textile production and as a sustainable food source. In the early 1900’s hemp was a stable crop in America.
It wasn’t until the 1930’s that the states banned both marijuana and hemp.
During World War II, the United States Army launched a campaign for hemp called, “Hemp for Victory,” due to the strong fibers hemp produced which were perfect for lines and rigging on navy ships. This campaign resulted in the U.S. producing over 400,000 acres of hemp by the end of WWII.
In the 1950’s cheap synthetic fibers were now available after the war, and hemp was no longer in high demand. This newly available type of fiber virtually shut down all the hemp fields.
When President Nixon passed the Controlled Substances Act in 1970, hemp officially became illegal.
44 Years later, President Obama signed The Agricultural Act of 2014, aka the Farm Bill, and made it legal to grow industrial hemp for research purposes.
Since then, individual states have started making hemp legal for harvesting and selling. As of 2017 thirty-three states allow hemp’s cultivation.
On December 12, Congress federally legalized hemp with the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill.
Today 48 states have industrial hemp programs. It's the wild west with CBD and we are loving it, the small and medium size american farmer has another great rotational cash crop. Hemp is the #1 food trend for 2019 and 2020, which is why we've launched the first ever hemp heart protein-energy bar!